The Prescribing Lifestyle Medicine Course

(Grab This SPECIAL OFFER and Save $228 Today!)

This course is for physicians and healthcare providers wanting to implement Lifestyle Medicine as a smart choice of care for chronic disease patients.

  • Lifestyle Medicine - The Science
  • The 4-Step Habit Loop
  • Setting SMART Goals
  • Benefits of Micro-Habits
  • How to prescribe Lifestyle Medicine
  • 3-Step Habit-Improvement Process
  • Measure-Practice-Measure Protocol
  • Self-Study Micro Course Lessons
  • Live Class Mentoring
  • Daily Micro-Content Lessons
  • Easy-to-integrate skills
  • Private Study & Support Group
  • Lifetime Faculty Support
  • Worksheets & Templates

In this course, you'll learn how to apply Lifestyle Medicine in a variety of settings.

  • Prescribe Lifestyle Medicine supporting your patients
  • Refer patients to your own local health coach
  • Outsource patients to a certified HealthiWealthi™ Coach (individual or large groups)

4-Weeks | 10 Minutes Daily | Certificate

The Prescribing Lifestyle Medicine Course

Prescribe the 4 Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine (Nutrition, Fitness, Stress Management, Social Support) in a variety of healthcare settings using easy-to-implement and proven strategies.


$197 (One-Time Tuition) Regular $425

“Lifestyle as medicine has the potential to prevent, reduce & reverse the majority of chronic symptoms; no other medicine can match that. In addition, it is potentially inexpensive and even cost-saving; free of all but good side effects; safe and appropriate for children and octogenarians alike. It is, quite simply, the best medicine we’ve got.”

David Katz, MD, MPH, FACPM, FACP President, Founding Director, Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center, Past President American College of Lifestyle Medicine; President/Founder of the non-profit True Health Initiative

Learn The Fundaments of Prescribing Lifestyle Medicine And Provide Real Solutions for your Chronic Patients:

Your Instructors

Dr. M. I. Yamani MD

Internal Medicine, Owner & Medical Director All Care’s Medical Centers Florida, Harvard Master, Lifestyle Prescriptions® University Chief Medical Officer, Value-Based Care Specialist, Researcher.

Johannes R. Fisslinger MA, LPHCS

Founder Lifestyle Prescriptions® University and HealthiWealthi™ Coaching Platform, Host Lifestyle Medicine Summits, Author, Filmmaker, Teaching Lifestyle Medicine, and Root-Cause Health Coaching to 10,000s of health professionals and health lovers.

Just imagine if you could integrate evidence-based Lifestyle Medicine easily without changing your workflow or investing in expensive equipment or staff.

4-Weeks | 10 Minutes Daily | Certificate

The Prescribing Lifestyle Medicine Course

Prescribe the 4 Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine (Nutrition, Fitness, Stress Management, Social Support) in a variety of healthcare settings using easy-to-implement and proven strategies.

55% OFF Special - SAVE $228 TODAY

$197 (One-Time Tuition) Regular $425

In a few decades, we look back and realize how one new habit transformed healthcare”.

Johannes R. Fisslinger, Founder Lifestyle Prescriptions® University

"I use Lifestyle Prescriptions® in my practice and it's amazing to see the results with my patients."

Dr. Anton Bader, Physician Germany

“The work I am able to offer now is definitely so profound and transformative compared to what I did before for 6 years!”

Nigora Normatova, Lifestyle Prescriptions® University Graduate

“I’m COMPLETELY BLOWN AWAY by this training. I have never taken anything (and I’ve done tons of online learning) this amazing before, both in content and in delivery.”

Cari Nadeau. EFT Practitioner, Lifestyle Prescriptions® University Student

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